
Magical Singalongs!

Kim's Magical Sing-alongs! *:・゚

Please note that these sing-alongs are currently on-hold.
It is my hope to create an album this winter and have an album release party in the Spring/Summer 2024! However, you can read about the Magical Sing-along program below and e-mail me if you’re interested in booking me for a private event.



I'm Kim! I'm an artist, musician and educator in the Capital Region. I have taught art classes at the Arts Center of the Capital Region including leading the Studio Sprouts program from 2017-2020. While I am no longer part of that program, I continue teaching summer camps and other kids classes that come up.

Before living upstate, I was the team leader for music and art enrichment programs for children of all ages through New York Cares.

I have a BA of music from the University of Iowa, but was originally a music therapy major. While I am not a licensed music therapist, I believe that music is incredibly healing and offer sing-alongs as an enrichment experience. I began leading sing-alongs during the pandemic as a way of maintaining sanity for myself as much as trying to offer some joy to the world of screens. :)

Music and dance help engage the brain through repetition and patterns. Music is also wonderful for creative expression and enhancing social skills.

Please join me in the park for a magical sing-along!

What happens at the "Magical Sing-Along?"

We will start with some introductory hello songs and then sing some fun songs to encouragement moving our bodies. I also provide shakers that children can play for a tactile experience. We will also use the shakers for some rhythm and "follow the leader" exercises. After we shake it out, we will slow down with some pretty relaxing songs with messages about kindness and love.

This experience is especially geared for pre-k and mom's/caregivers looking for something fun to do!

All said, the program works on gross and fine motor skills, creative expression and is meant to bring joy. It is approximately 45-60 minutes (I just work with the energy of the group), but I encourage parents to connect with one another.

Where does it happen and what should I bring?

These sing-alongs will happen in Prospect Park near the playground and parking lot (see map of approximate location below!). In the case of light rain, we will move to the pavilion. If there are thunderstorms, we will cancel the program for the day.

You can always message me to confirm the location (518-417-1971).

Please bring a blanket to sit on, snacks, water, sunscreen, bug spray and anything else you or your child may need to be comfortable. As it gets colder, you may want to bring layers to bundle in and a blanket with a waterproof bottom since the grass can be wet.

Do I have to pre-register?

Pre-registration is not required, but it is helpful for me to see how many kids are coming and what the general age range is (although, I will always do my best to tailor the experience to the group that is present).


What makes them magical?

Nothing in particular, except that I love to think about the way the world is magically connected and just like singing pretty songs about friendship, stars, flowers, and love. I also like to blow bubbles, throw feathers, and breathe wishes into the world. My experience of "magic" is similar to that described in the book:.

"The sun is shining—the sun is shining. That is the Magic. The flowers are growing—the roots are stirring. That is the Magic. Being alive is the Magic—being strong is the Magic. The Magic is in me—the Magic is in me. It is in me—it is in me. It’s in every one of us." ~ The Secret Garden

Please let me know if you have any questions (e-mail me at and submit any song requests!

@kim-kullmer for those that prefer Venmo

With love, your "joy fairy!"

♥️ Kim