love, peace, and snow..


I am in a NYC snow globe! :) It's hard to believe how much it is snowing here, but being from the cornland I don't mind.

Strangers-- "Oh this is the worst snow ever!"

My thoughts-- "Snow..psh..this is nothing!" :)

**I did something stupid/exciting/smart/foolish/but-oh-i-don't-care-i-am-so-happy-i-know-i-won't-regret-this-and-i'm-in-a-better-financial-place-anyway last night.

I bought a camera! I was recently inspired by this awesome local artist to get back into photography (well, learning it!). I really love how bright her work is and the fact that she is bringing smiles to random strangers in this city!I was headed to work the other day when I came across these and I couldn't help but smile.

Thank you stranger, for writing these words and reminding me that love and peace are still around.

**Lately I am just so excited about making art and just creating. I love, love, looove color and applying it to canvas, journals, scraps of paper, etc. but I also love finding little treasures that are all around me and New York is full of them! I really enjoy sharing what I find with people (hence lots of picture messages), which is why I'm getting back into photography (well trying!). As much as I enjoy my film camera, it can be harder to capture these moments...and you can end up with lots of undeveloped film.

I have a whole box of rolls at home and I have absolutely no idea what is on them! Maybe one day I will find out. :) Until then, I'm excited to play with my new camera and share how I really see the world.

Uncategorizedkimart, ny