a solstice reflection and some wishes for you (in song)

2021 was many things, but dare I say it, I think it was kind of magical.

For me, the most magical thing was really embracing “self-love” and sort of returning to a more free version of myself and out of that space, something new has started to emerge ~ more confidence, more art, more songs, more fun, more gratitude, patience, and so much love.

For awhile there, I think I was a bit lost from myself ~ too afraid to be my fullest self, lost in imposter syndrome, worried about perception, fear of doing it wrong, taking up too much “space”, and just being afraid, afraid, afraid. I’ve struggled with fear in the past, but the past few years have been extra challenging and it’s been everything to just show up, but I did and things have been shifting in really amazing ways.

Fear and perception are funny things, or just things, or something… because the truth is everyone has their “stuff”, their “things”, issues, fears, dreams and so, so many feelings. I have been talking about feelings as a “connection space” for a long time, but I have really started practicing this in a different way.

I think one of the biggest feelings I have been working with is discomfort. Learning to be in discomfort of a moment ~ especially moments of disconnection. Learning to stay, to lean in and b r e a t h e

I’ve realized how much I need stillness, but I have also realized that I like celebrating small things (and really, every day there are so many things to celebrate).

I’m learning to listen to myself more and learning about plants. Although, in listening, I am realizing that the plants have always guided me, supported me and just waited for me to better understand their inner whispers.

Nettles have taught me about boundaries, burdock grounds me and linden and marshmallow root keep my heart open and encourage me to sing. Butterfly pea flower reminds me that magic IS real (actually, I believe all of the plants are magical, but I do love that hue transition).

Working with the flock and the land continues to humble me and remind me of reciprocity.

I am grateful for my health, connections, friendships, work and so much more. It has been a healthy season and I am starting to see the still’s disease as a strange gift because it was one of the main things that forced me to tend to my own being first, which I think has allowed me to be better at being t(here) for others.

And yet, things are still strange and hard and most days I still feel a deep melancholy for the future of the world.

I was recently in the desert, sitting with the massive stones and an incredible agave plant. There was a heaviness that I can’t quite explain, but I kept coming back to presence and gratitude ~ that NO MATTER WHAT, that presence is a portal and that I can return over and over and over again and choose joy, love, and continue dreaming of an equitable and kind world and that truly, the only way for me to experience the world I long for, is by just being it myself (insert all the clichés ever, but they are true!)

I’m sure there will be stumbling and hard days ahead, but I know that they are all just part of my path.

And so I will carry on, believing in goodness, shining my light and hopefully encouraging others to do the same.

I hope you enjoy this holiday greeting for 2021 and that you enjoy all of our wishes for you! We wrote this song together because we started learning accordion. I told B to think of silly wishes and I stitched them together into a melody-of-sorts and we added many layers upon layers.

May this song bring you joy, smiles and encourage a little silliness.

Snowflakes and eggnog and chestnuts and mittens
These are some things of winter songs
Ribbons and fairy lights and critters in hats
These are some things of our songs

Cookies and days off and laughter with friends
Are some things we wish for you
Abundance and adventures and hopefully no dentures
At least any time soon

So cherish your time together
Cozy up and look at the trees
Or go play in the snow or the sparkling beach
And go home desert and tv

Wishing you all of the love. ♥

from us and our gaggle of critters (Frenzy, Chester, Pipa, and Kirk)


This is actually the 10th year I have been making these silly videos. The first time I ever made a video was actually as a way to cheer up my own broken heart forever ago. It’s (actually-probably-not-that) surprising how little and how much I have changed at the exact same time through all of these years. :)

Previous greetings: (please note these open to different tabs)
2020 ~ a holiday medley of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” and “The Christmas Song”
2019 ~ ”Krimgle Brells” ~ a rendition of “Jingle Bells”
2018 ~ gratitude
2017 ~ A little reflection and some holiday wishes
2016 ~ this might make George Michael roll in his grave
2015 ~ have a holly jolly christmas
2014 ~ a sparkle partner christmas
2013 ~ nature’s glitter
2012 ~ yay christmas!
2009 ~ christmas with lavi

p.s. please forgive the many broken links in the past entries of my diary :)