
Here’s what I know.

Love is everything.

May there be more love, love, love, love, love, love, love …

Always, forever, fur-ever, and ever and ever.

With all of the love. ♥

P.S. This year’s video and song came out after a couple of weeks of r~e~a~l~l~y reflecting on all that I was grateful for (because the truth is none of us ever really know how long we have. There is much to be grateful for, and there is much to be composted…)

I have come to realize that the best activism I can do is truly LIVE my most magical, fully authentic life. I can only truly try and control myself ~ I cannot control the planet, climate change, or loss, but I can respond wisely. I can also actively choose to live a life full of love, eternal optimism, wonder, and kindness… and I can feel all the-m-fing-feelings for all the things that are hard. (I can also have an inner fire that never gives up on trying to end the madness and these senseless wars ~ which starts by believing in goodness … in all the ways, for all beings).

Despite everything that 2023 was and wasn’t and everything in between, we hope you enjoy this little video of moments, musings, and memories.

The song was a collaboration between me and my sweetie! I wrote the melody and lyrics and did the vocals and a little keyboard work. Brendan did the rest of the incredible instrumentation.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Whether you were pictured or not, and no matter how this finds you, know that you are loved, and I am grateful you are part of my garden.

Happy holidays.


Rollerskating, chicken saving, and seeing friends from afar
Music making, less isolating, and watching the sky be real bizarre
Starting new things, losing old things, and learning to really let go
Making new friends, tending old threads, and finding there’s still more ways to grow

The world may seem a little hard, there’s so much that’s out of our control
But all it takes is just a spark, to light the fire in your soul
So keep holding steadfast to your dreams, be stubborn and never give in
I believe in peace for all beings, let’s find our oceanness within

Swimming with seals, eating good meals, and riding the ferry to the end
Critter snuggles, some minor stumbles, and learning how to truly mend
Not enough hiking, a few days of biking, and watching the shooting stars at night
Finding clovers, learning to live slower, and knowing when something’s worth the fight

The world may seem pretty great, but remember where attention goes
So be brave enough to stay awake, and let your inner garden grow
So keep holding onto all you love, know it’s shape and sound and how you feel
And know you always are enough, and sometimes magic is real

Previous greetings: (please note these open to different tabs)

2022 ~ a reflection on dreams and our little holiday card
2021 ~ a little song of wishes!
2020 ~ a holiday medley of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” and “The Christmas Song”
2019 ~ ”Krimgle Brells” ~ a rendition of “Jingle Bells”
2018 ~ gratitude
2017 ~ A little reflection and some holiday wishes
2016 ~ this might make George Michael roll in his grave
2015 ~ have a holly jolly christmas
2014 ~ a sparkle partner christmas
2013 ~ nature’s glitter
2012 ~ yay christmas!
2009 ~ christmas with lavi

p.s. please forgive the many broken links in the past entries of my diary :)

Kim Tateo