
Musings by Kim Tateo

these days...

These days... things seem a little simpler. I stand a little straighter. My shoulders pull back and down and my gaze is forward.
Sometimes when walking I have to squeeze my hands into tiny fists to contain this excitement.
These days... time does that thing where it moves too quick and passes too slow. I feel like I can't get enough of it and that I have nothing but time ahead of me -- at the same time.

Foggy evenings on piers are like hanging out in a cloud. Tips are shared for letting eyes open in such a way that it makes light reflections look like millions of sparkles in rapid conversation with one another.
Lazy days with no plans turn into long walks around curvy streets and laying in the grass identifying shapes out of clouds.
Swing dancing happens surrounded by trees to the soundtrack of a rushing stream and little hums of familiar tunes. A lost feather found a perfect home in the room of whimsy, where the heart swelled in such a way that the only place for it to go was in tears of joy.

These days...eyes say more than words ever could and hands always find each other while walking down the streets or just before drifting to sleep.
There's a sense of knowing and just a great appreciation for another open heart.
There's a bit of fear, for this is new and terrifying and oh-so-wonderful, but I am more myself than I've ever been.

These days...happiness seems boundless and falling seems right. There's room to let time do its thing. Wrap itself around this and allow everything to just be and golden light!

// flower season is in full bloom and i am loving it. not pictured - devouring the amazing bread and butter and other amazing foods at flatbush farm, but seriously -- the butter. YUM. and the great conversations about life and love and daydreaming about which townhouse all of our friends could live in. ♥♥  

Coney Island

//It has been so much fun having Bethy live in New York. We've been friends since the days of doing college radio and music theory classes, but I think our friendship has truly blossomed since she's been living here. I am so lucky to have such amazing, wonderful friends. We had one of those perfect lazy days. We started in Coney Island and wandered around and enjoyed Prospect Park and had dinner at Flatbush Farm (where they have THE BEST butter in the world). If you ever go there, be sure to ask for the bar menu, since it's a little cheaper. Photos from PP to come soon. Not pictured: The gigantic screw that fell/flew on Beth while we were eating hotdogs and fries. The person at the table next to us asked if it came in our food and we had to explain that it fell from the sky! I hope some angsty teenager threw it, but it's quite possible it fell from a ride! Yikes!  Also not pictured is our screaming on the inside track of the Wonder Wheel. For those unfamiliar, the Wonder Wheel has two tracks; an outside that's stationary and an inside one that moves. I thought I filmed it, but apparently, I had my lens cap on the whole time. Oopsies!

lost in translation

Have you ever played this game? Visual telephone. You start with a quote, idiom, phrase, or anything. Then the next person has to draw it. Then the next person guesses what was drawn. The next person draws it. It keeps going and then you review what was originally said and how it got lost. I highly recommend it. I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard. P.S. It's not something you buy. As my friends pointed out, I was all, "OMG, where did you get this!?" All you need are friends, imagination, and blank sheets of paper. That said, the perfectly cut flashcards made for nice uniformity. P.P.S. Don't think like a hamster in a wheel. **

the last weekend of my 20s

He wins at karaoke. He was singing the theme song of Full House. I love this photo, we all look particularly crazy, but it was fun. 

i love birthdays. i also love throwing parties and sending colorful emails to friends! my birthday weekend was wonderful. there was lots of sparkles!, singing, dancing, laughing, and mischief-making. i might be 30, but the truth is, i am perpetually going on 7.

**pictured: lots of blurry, light-leak, crazy looking photos from a night of karaoke. not pictured: making "kindness cards" with the kids in volunteering. the idea was to write something nice about everyone attending. one of my volunteers received the best card ever—it read, "i notice your moustache." ♥ ice cream with the girls from mentoring (who were particularly nice after making their own "kindness cards")  ♥ getting my hair did by two of my fabulous friends—one was curling my hair, the other was adding glitter sparkle strands(!!)—at some point we started talking about relationships and julian (in his julian-way) pointed out that "it had become a hair salon." ♥ singing in my apartment before our AMUSICALFLASHMOB! (video of the not-flash-mob-but-still-fun-performance to come...) ♥ watching all of my friends be creative and draw what kind of flower they represent in my garden (photos of the final piece to come...) ♥ losing the glitter sparkle strands all over the city ♥ plastering glitter butterflies and star tattoos on ourselves during dinner (for the record, the stars were way better) ♥ the final whisky shot that had me sleeping until 1:45 pm on sunday...i woke up to hayden asking, "doesn't your next party start in 15 minutes?" thankfully it was an "open house" and everyone showed up late. ♥ all of the beautiful people that came to the open house and watching new friendships bloom ♥ the microwave cake from hayden on my actual birthday (around 12:30 am) that was pink and blue because we were watching frozen ♥ taking the day off to go to a yoga class (which was full of inversions) and painting dreamy little worlds to play in. ♥

*thank you to all of my amazing friends for making this birthday super special*

*full set*

On a decade of learning

When you can’t bear something but it goes on anyway, the person who survives isn’t you anymore; you’ve changed and become someone else, a new person, the one who did bear it after all. | Austin Grossman


When I was 20, I saw a girl dye herself blue. She really looked like a smurf. She was taking over my spot in the dorm and decided to move in early, basically forcing me to move out. When she came in shrieking of her accident, I told her the blue was very becoming and had to hide my laughter when I found out the dye was permanent. When coloring your hair blue, don't take a shower to wash it out.

The best thing that came from that tiny college was my friendship with this talented gem.

There was a brief stint at a community college where I took only art classes and met an adorable couple that made me believe in love. I also went on a road trip to Arizona with a girl I met on a bus to a Christian convention in Idaho. "Can I help you?" were her first words to me after chirpily greeting her. A boy I met while working at a kiosk selling cell phone covers also joined the trip. He made me a mix-tape introducing me to "Indie" music. I enjoyed the not-so-secret messages of his crush. We kissed on a mountain in Colorado.

I didn't see the Grand Canyon, but I did hit a deer on the way back less than 30 miles from home.

Moments before hitting the deer, I got a speeding ticket that tipped me over into the "you-need-to-attend-driving-school" category. So the summer before I went to U of Iowa, I spent a week sharing stories of speeding tickets in "driving school".

Friends were made during music theory in the Voxman music building. I asked the same questions at every football game and we tailgated with spiked coffee. 21 was a shit show (in the best way), Facebook started, and I got hit by a car while riding a bike and talking on the phone. I found my love for volunteering and drunk dialed my sick roommate with John McCrea after The 10,000 Hours Show (10K3). We were sad she missed the show.

At 22 I shared an apartment with 6 roommates. I compared us to the sides of a Rubix cube picking colors for three of them, leaving only white, red, and yellow. It was unintentionally perfect given that the remaining roommates were Caucasian, Hispanic, and me.

Around Christmastime, I brought a wreathe from home to decorate our apartment. I didn't notice the dried cat vomit, but my roommate did. It was this awkward moment that started our friendship. Many adventures were spent together, including a road trip to Texas when we forgot to bring blankets (in February!) and another to Canada where we ran over a trash bag and carried it with us all the way back to New Jersey. On both trips we opted to save money by sleeping in the car. We are now roommates in Brooklyn.

There were shitty jobs and a few months of being really poor. Days were spent alternating giving plasma and going to Labor Ready. Hope was held in strange places, like the time I held a dying deer in my lap on the Coralville Strip or finding a piano on State Street in Dysart and having it fork-lift to my house. I called these my "red skittle" moments.

There were loves and losses, which at the time seemed grand and defining. But it wasn't until the timing was just right for me to date a boy I'd noticed throughout the years at our college radio station, that I would really understand heartbreak and love.

The summer before I left Iowa, a night was spent walking around Iowa City drinking whiskey and sharing stories with a close girlfriend. That was one of the beginnings of my heart learning the lesson that sometimes things can't be fixed and all we can do is listen.

New York welcomed me at 23. I will never forget driving into the sunrise. I was certain that life was going to be perfect from that moment on. The pit stop at a random town in Illinois for cat tranquilizer should have been a reminder otherwise.

24 was full of live music, some crazy nights, living with a 65-year old woman*, and finally learning the difference between the East Village and the Lower East Side—one is above Houston, the other is below.It rained for 10 days straight, which was timely for my first real broken heart. I got really good at crying - release was overwhelming at 25.

But the heart was moved again on a gray day in October and did cartwheels while carrying a microwave through Peter Cooper Village on a cool spring evening. I learned to love freely, even when it was not fully returned.

The garden of friends continued to grow and the tiniest roots of self-love started. I learned that lazy days were my favorite (especially at the beach), along with late nights of painting and singing to myself after sunsets of gold. June became my favorite month. Two lucky children on the 6 train received bicycles after the 4th of July midnight train to Montauk. I blame the heat for my poor judgement on taking the bike in the first place.

At 26, I received a look that made me feel absolutely beautiful and special and all of the things a girl wants to feel. Although it wasn't sustainable for many reasons, I have still to feel that way again.

27 and 28 were some of the most difficult years I've experienced, despite all of the moments of being surrounded by love. Lessons were learned in circles, but each lap taught something different. I learned to navigate extremes and that self-love is really important but really, fucking hard to practice.

29 has taught me that the best way to deal with change, is to just ride the current. Loss is tough, really tough. But sometimes we have to let go because somewhere along the way—probably around lap 1,492—we already changed, despite the years of fighting it.

The lessons continue—I'm not sure that there is a stopping point. There will be moments of rest, but the grounding comes from within. It hasn't been easy, but I wouldn't change any of it.

If someone would have told my younger-self that I would be entering a new decade without any semblance of a romantic relationship and have two different cats*, I probably would have laughed or cried or both. Because while that version of myself was adventurous, I was also too afraid of loss; holding onto love for dear life and likely too tight. The lesson of change and loss is one that—in time—will show up again.

We are all walking books—I really believe this—made up of little stories, with big chapters. I'm embarking on a new one. I feel Ready. Capable. Accepting. A little less of certain things, a little more of others, but still the same all around. I'm learning to be less hard on myself and to treat my heart with more kindness.

So here's to a new decade and continuing the adventure.


* The kitty that moved to NYC is still here, she's just with the woman I used to live with. I visit them both on a regular basis.

winter to spring

//pictured: the last of the ice storms, our new bodega kitty!, an evening at the brooklyn bazaar, a bad day for a crab at the beach, the kick-off for the living room concert series, the best reason to take a slightly longer lunch break, and the ultimate sign that we actually have transitioned to spring. tulips.

not pictured: the dancing empanada at the bb, bringing kitty spa to the bodega and clipping his nails, writing a haiku while picking sea shells, dancing on the empty stage art piece, the amazing talented voices of the performers of the lrcs, girly giggles as we imagined her perfect day, and transitions of the ♥. full set



Uncategorizedkimny, winter

Stand still.
The trees ahead and bushes beside you
Are not lost.
Wherever you are is called
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known.
The forest breathes.
It answers,
I have made this place around you.
If you leave it, you may come back again, saying
No two trees are the same to Raven.
No two branches are the same to Wren.
If what a tree or a bush does is lost on you,
You are surely lost. Stand still. The forest knows Where you are. You must let it find you.

David Wagoner**

I heard part of this poem while listening to a Tara Brach podcast. I loved both. ♥ 

A Grayscale Morning on Metropolitan Ave

*I think I prefer this tree in color. 

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The actual ending of a thing can happen rather abruptly. Short, quick, cutting words that change the terms of the relationship.

Then there's the shit ton of space that appears after—suddenly the world is open and terrifying. Those fallen words signify that everything that was intertwined is now going to unravel.

I've been on both sides of the thing*, but it's only now that I truly understand the weight of being the one to let go.

It is fucking hard.

Letting go because something deep in the core says it's just not right.

No wrong, no fault. It just wasn't. Despite all of the ways it could have been...Being the one to let go doesn't make it easier. It didn't stop the night my body was taken over by this thing. This sad, sad thing. When I sobbed and fell to my floor. Just sobbing and reaching. Curling myself into a ball wishing I could curl myself into nothing.

*Oh this life.

The circles. The switching of places—being put where someone was, only to better understand the whole thing.

I remember being thrilled to get to the other side (in different matter of the heart), but now I think it's just about getting to another side.

Constant movement. Rotating spaces. Shifting. Forward, forward, on and through.*

I take comfort in believing that we are all connected.

That works itself out.

That we're all from the same thing—a gigantic love sparkle bubble that is life. An extraordinary thing that we can't really understand.

That we will all be together again. Those we've hurt, loved, disliked, envied, all of it.

Maybe the thing isn't meant to be understood. Only explored. Or something.--* though, as a friend pointed out - there are many sides to the thing. 

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” “

Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be. Sometimes you'll put up a good fight and lose. Sometimes you'll hold on really hard and realize there is no choice but to let go. Acceptance is a small, quiet room. | Cheryl Strayed 

Grief does not change you.... It reveals you. | John Green 

This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something. | Elizabeth Gilbert  

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Christmas in Wisconsin

It's never too late to post photos, right? Right.

Uncategorizedkimholidays, winter
For a bright soul

//Happy New Year!This was a painting I did for my dear friend, Calee. Yay to long-lasting friendships and her wonderful, bright, creative soul.♡

A little video of my favorite moments from 2013

* so for those dear friends that aren't in this video, i hope you know that i adored our moments just as much. even if they aren't here. 


There's about a zillion things I could say about this past year. There were moments that were so freaking wonderful, I couldn't even put words to them. There were some that were equally as tough and also have no words, but they probably wouldn't be for sharing anyway.

The end of a year is always interesting. There's a collective pause and thoughts are gathered. Memories are revisited and promises are set for the upcoming year. What's lovely is that everyone has something different. Some choose to share them, some choose to keep them close. I'm one of those people that's annoyingly behind a camera. I like looking through the lens and capturing moments. I love pretty things and animals and I'm sure I take the same shots every year. Except this year, I started taking little videos. I don't shoot everything, because that would be way too much and there wouldn't be much room for actual living*.

But when I looked back to see what I had, I realized that while 2013 certainly had some patches of just going through it, it was also filled with much, much more. For that, I am ever grateful.

Happy New Year. ♥    

Nature's glitter

Hello lovelies,

It is past my bed time, but I am waiting for Santa to arrive....haha...just kidding. Although, I am certainly in the holiday spirit. How could I not be with all of the holiday movies on repeat!? Seriously, I think Elf played three times during our amazing dinner.

I'm currently in Wisconsin where it is the prettiest winter wonderland ever. There is SO. MUCH. SNOW (aka "nature's glitter" per my revelation this morning!) which makes me happy since the past few days of global warming winter in New York have been - quite frankly - freaking. me. out. (okay...given that it's Christmas the b*t*h-fest will stop here)

So.....dear friends, I hope you all have a wonderful (and safe!) holiday filled with friends, family, good food, laughter (!!), pretty lights, funny animals playing in wrapping paper or chasing bows, perhaps an afternoon nap, singing (!) and so many love sparkles you can hardly stand it. More than this, I hope you take a moment to soak it all in. In the midst of opening presents, drinking coffee or mimosas, and singing carols -- STOP whatever you are doing, look around, notice something, and freaking embrace all. of. it. Because THAT the best present of all of them. No need to instagram or facebook it. Just live it. Merry Christmas/festivus/whatever you celebrate.

Happy day everyone.♥♥

Open roads, old friends, and cell phone towers

Some photos from Thanksgiving in Iowa. The open roads of Iowa. Something about them always clears my mind. Family Knitting lessons! Morning light from my bedroom window. My uncle's gardening notes - my favorite, " ~ ten onions are missing" [what a lucky rabbit!] One of my best friends from high school. This cross is also a cell phone tower. Desserts from the Motley Cow. My adorable friend Calee and her amazing boyfriend. Aren't they lovely! Driving on Bloomington street in Iowa City! Corn bins need Christmas love too. The main street in my hometown is how I spent my evenings. Wine and typing.** There's lots to write around the topic of home. I have lots. of. thoughts. But I've recognized that you can't really run away from the place where it all starts. 

From when the days where just a touch longer

// Gum-balls in Queens (how I wish I could jump in there!), a walk on the Williamsburg Bridge, lawn ornaments by my house, awesome office friends [seriously, I love these guys], trying to get across town on Halloween (it was hell, but those kids in the townhouse were so funny), and some flora and fauna of the fall. Fall was fun, but I'm glad that tomorrow marks the shortest day of the year because THAT means the days will start getting longer. One microsecond at a time. ♥

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Finding inspiration on Bull Hill


Change doesn't always happen overnight, it happens in small little circles and a shit ton of "back and forths". We have to remember patience and allow enough  s p a c e   to look honestly at patterns and then figure out what to do with them - if anything. I believe growth comes from recognizing patterns and finding ways to talk about them. Making sure the words coming out of someone's mouth are actually translated properly in the mind. For they are too easily distorted.

Lately, I've found it too difficult to actually BE with myself and whatever's coming up. I've felt disconnected from my body, as if I'm watching the experiences as a shadow. That's not to say I'm not enjoying things because I have had a freaking blast at this month's events (apparently, November was the month for all of my friends to throw parties), but there has been some blue lurking around. Actually, it's more of dull gray. I haven't painted in a few months and can't seem to find it in me to try. I'm too afraid that the paintings will look the same as others I've done, too many swirls and glitter. The inner voice reminding me to just paint is hard to find, it's too lost in a tangle of a bunch of crap.

It's always good to escape the city. To get away from the clusters of crowds, the hurried motion, and immerse yourself into a place where you feel a little more steadied. To feel inspired. I felt better the moment I got off the train in Coldspring. And the woods were filled with little bits of magic everywhere. Tree houses for fairies, a blanket of fallen leaves, and everything was golden. As the sun set, it burned so brightly on along another mountain. It looked electric. I've always felt held in these mountains, protected in a way.

Looking at the photos I am still inspired. When the time is right, I hope to try and capture some of the magic on canvas. Until then, here are my blurry photos (it was quite chilly!).

full set and trail info